martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Dialogue - Receiving guests

Jan: Good evening madam. Good evening sir. Do you have a reservation?
Mr Kerrigan: Yes, we do.
Jan: Could I have the name, please?
Mr Kerrigan: Mr and Mrs Kerrigan.
Jan: One moment, yes, Mr and Mrs Kerrigan - table for two. Shall I take your coats?
Mr Kerrigan: Yes, please. Can I leave my hat, too?
Jan: Certainly. Would you prefer to sit indoors or outdoors?
Mrs Kerrigan: I think we'd prefer indoors. What about the small table near the piano?
Jan: I'm very sorry madam. I'm afraid that table is not available. But the round one near the window is free.
Mr Kerrigan: Perfect. That's fine.
Jan: Follow me, please. I'll show you to your table.
Mr Kerrigan: Thank you.
Jan: Here's the menu.